
Test I
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 17/05/2023 v{kj v vkSj vk, dfork gs Hkxoku vke jlhyk
English 19/05/2023 Identify letters A to D Read and write capital letter A to D Rhymes –A Gift to you Early to Bad
Maths 20/05/2023 Identify : Big and small ,long and short , fat and thin , tall and short, Call out and trace 1 to 4
G.K. 22/05/2023 Who am I, My Body
Drawing 24/05/2023 Colour In the given picture
Test II
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 18/08/2023 v{kj v ls m rd, dfork – Hkwjk Hkkyw jlxqYyk
English 20/08/2023 Identify Letters E, to L, Read and write capital letters E to L Rhymes – Short Light Star Bright Brush your teeth
Drawing 21/08/2023 Colour in the given picture
Maths 23/08/2023 Identify : heavy and light , inside and outside , more and less Identify the shapes: circle , square, rectangle, triangle,Call out trace 1 to 5
G.K 24/08/2023 Healthy plate , flowers ,good manners Matter;
Test III
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 17/12/2023 v{kj vks ls v rd, dfork xk; eNyh
Drawing 18/12/2023 Colour in The given picture
English 20/12/2023 Identify letters U to Z Read Write Capital Letters U To Z Rhymes –the Last letters Yellow
Maths 22/12/2023Call out and trace 11 to 14 count and colour the given picture ,odd one out , count and write numbers in sequence ,Join The dots form 1 to 14
G.K 24/12/2023 Hands On Colour , Everyday shapes seasons

4th October to 20th October – Half Yearly Examination

Half Yearly Examination Syllabus
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 04/10/23 v{kj v ls ,s rd, dfork ns[kks vk;k eksj eksVwjke ckny pank ekek
English 07/10/23 Identify letters A to T Read and write capital letters A to T Rhymes – A wise old owl Hicrety Picrety , My Black Hen, Jack be Nimble
Maths 11/10/23 Call out and trace 1 to 10 Count and Write Number Fill The Missing Numbers
G.K 13/10/23 Fruits, vegetable, Zoo Animals Let’s Tweet With Birds
Drawing 15/10/23 Colour in the given Picture.

25th February to 12th March – Annual Examination

Annual Examination Syllabus
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 25/02/2024 v{kj v ls v rd, dfork yky jax dh dkj I;kjk xj nks ‘’ksj cPpksa fgyfey dj jguk
Drawing 26/02/2024 Colour in the given Picture
English 28/02/2024 Identify Letters A to Z Read and Write Capital Letters A to Z Rhymes – Jack and till, Mummy and Daddy Butterfly,Butterfly
Maths 02/03/2024 Count and write 1 to 20 Fill in the missing number,odd one out Identify Shapes ,count Backwards Identify Big And Small Long And Short ,More And Less ,Fat and thin
G.K 04/03/2024I know my phone numbers DAYS of the week ,father of the nation

Test Syllabus and Schedule Grade- KG

Test I
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 17/05/2023 पहला कदम - स्वर, व्यंजन अभ्यास, सोने का पिटारा कविता - प्रार्थना, हाथी राजा
English 19/05/2023 Target letters and sounds identification of initial letter identification of middle letter Rhymes – Hold My hand lord – little poll parrot.
Maths 20/05/2023 Counting 1 to 20, Missing numbers, Backward counting 10 to 0, Count and write far near, full and empty, few and many, Number name 1 to 10
G.K 21/05/2023Know me better, Fire sense, we are family, In the bedroom, In the living room, In the kitchen.
Drawing 22/05/2023 Coloring in the given picture.
Test II
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 18/08/2023 दो व तीन अक्षर के शब्द और वाक्य अभ्यास कविता - नन्ही चिड़िया, फूल, झंडा
English 20/08/2023 Sounds of vowel a, e, I Super sight words, Sight word scramble Rhymes – Cock - a – Doodle – doo, vegetables
Maths 23/08/2023 Counting 1 to 50, Number name 11 to 20, Missing numbers, Count and write.
G.K 24/08/2023 In the Bathroom Classroom Rules, Allatrout me teeth, Farm Animals
Drawing 21/08/2023Coloring in the given picture.

4th October to 20th October – Half Yearly Examination

Test III
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 17/12/2023 दो, तीन व चार अक्षर के शब्द व वाक्य, आस - पास = यह / वह रंगो के नाम कविता - तितली रानी, राजा और रानी, चंदा मामा दूर के
Drawing 18/12/2023 Coloring in the given picture.
English 20/12/2023 Consonant blends s & r sound Consonant Diagraphs – ‘ee’ Sound words, use of in, on and under, use of ‘This’ and ‘That’ Rhymes – Traffic light, It is Raining
Maths 22/12/2023 Missing numbers, counting 1 to 100, Counts Circle, Greater than, less than, equal to adding on the number line, addition.
G.K 24/12/2023 Places in our neighborhood, Everyday helpers, Meet the computer

25th February to 12th March – Annual Examination

Half Yearly Examination Syllabus
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 04/10/2023 शब्द रचना, दो, तीन, व चार अक्षर के शब्द और वाक्य, अभ्यास सोने का पिटारा कविता - सब्जिया, डॉक्टर भालू नानी, मेरी गुड़िया
English 07/10/2023 Sounds of vowel a, e, I, o, u Articles (a, am) Consonant Blends h, l sounds. Rhymes – Humpty Dumpty, bees, My tooth fell out.
Maths 11/10/2023 Counting 1 to 100, what comes after, before and between, missing numbers, how many.
G.K 15/10/2023 Flapping birds, wild Animals Reptiles, Itsy – Bitsy Insects smart shot, Jet set go what’s in the Dinner.
Drawing 16/10/2023 Coloring in the given picture.
Annual Examination Syllabus
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 25/02/2024 दो, तीन व चार अक्षर के शब्द व वाक्य, सोने का पिटारा, अभ्यास, चित्र पठन, रंगो के नाम, कविता - मछली, तीन बन्दर, खरगोश, फुटबॉल
English 28/02/2024 One and Many, opposite, words pairs, Action words consonant Diagraphs – ‘00’ ‘ll’ Sounds Rhymes – Baa, Baa Black Sheep Pussy cat, Pussy Cat.
Maths 03/03/2024 Counting 1 to 100 Addition, some more Addition, Subtraction, Subtracting on a number line, some more subtraction, greater than, less than, equal to.
G.K 07/03/2024 Colouring in the given pictures.

Test Syllabus and Schedule Grade- Prep

Test I
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 17/05/2023 Loj O;atu nks vkSj rhu v{kj ds ’kCn o OkkD; dfork fourh dNqvk
English 19/05/2023 Flash on use of ‘the’ sentence builder vowel Digraphs (Words) with a and ay sounds, words, with qa and qi sounds Rhymes –God’s love is sq wonderful, lollipop
Maths 20/05/2023 Look- back –pre number concept odd one out ,which is different shapes, hands on count and match pattern counting 1 to 100 back word counting 20 to 0, number name 1-20
EVS 21/05/2023 Me and my self , my five senses Body Trip ,My Family and me
G.K. 22/05/2023 My new school year, at sweet home
Drawing 24/05/2023 Colouring in the given picture
Test II
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 18/08/2023 pkj v{kj ds ‘’kCn okD; -vk b m mw vkSj +_ dh ek=k vkSj ‘’kCn dfork - Qwy rqe fdrus vPNs fpUBq
English 20/08/2023 Words with QU and QY Sounds, words with ‘in’ sound ,words with ‘ea’ and ‘ey’ Sounds ,Singular And Plural Rhymes – Little boy sunny chicks.
Drawing 21/08/2023 Colouring in the given picture
Maths 23/08/2023 Counting 1 to 150 , Backwords counting 50 to 0 , number name 1 to 50 , what comes next ,number word Matching and writing greater than less than, and equal to table of 0 and 1
G.K. 24/08/2023 Table Manners Meals of the Day Healthy Habits Brushing up
EVS 25/08/2023 Sweet home school time take care our rules baby animals and their parent

4th October to 20th October – Half Yearly Examination

Test III
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 17/12/2023j jsQ o j insu vk/ks v{kj ls cus ‘’kCn ,d vusd dfork ukuh dk lanqd esjk Nkrk
Drawing 18/12/2023 Drawing Draw and colour the picture
English 20/12/2023 Use of ‘these’ and ‘those’ He’ She’ His and Her ‘ Has’ and ‘Have’ Be a Brainq! Use of under ‘behin ,in’ front of and near’ Rhymes- Frog, popcorn
Maths 22/12/2023 Counting 1 to 300 backward counting 100 to 0,number name 1 to 100 ordering number addition subtraction table of nebouring place
G.K. 24/12/2023 Famous faces use me celebration time musical beats Hands on computer
EVS 27/12/2023 Birds and bugs frame to plate celebration time ,at work Nebouring place

25th February to 12th March – Annual Examination

Half Yearly Examination Syllabus
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 04/10/23 ,,, vks vkS va v dh ek=k o ek=k ds ’kCn pUnz fcanq ;qDr ‘’kCn Dfork lqnaj frryh rkjk VwVk jax esgur ds jax
English 07/10/23 Split Vowel Digraphs split Digraph a-l,i-e,q-e, u-e, e-e, I’ with mute ‘e’ and ‘igh’ sound ,use of I am and you are use of and in pairs Rhyming words use of this and ‘that’ Rhymes, Got my tooth parts teapot lady bug
Maths 11/10/23 Counting 1 to 200 backward counting 100 to 0, number name 1 to 80 addition Subtraction What comes after before and between tables of 0,1,2
EVS 13/10/23 Living and Non Living thing our green friends Animals near and far
G.K. 15/10/23 Parts of a plant,Fruits and Vegetables animal kingdom flower garden color splash
Drawing 16/10/23 Draw and colour the picture
Annual Examination Syllabus
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 25/02/2024 vk ls v rd ek=k vkSj ek=kvks ds ‘’kCn ,d vusd ikB okpu dfork fcYyh ekSlh uko gekjh ,d Mky ij cSBk canj cqn/kjke
Drawing 26/02/2024 Draw and colour the picture
English 28/02/2024 Question words –what where who Rhyming Words Vowel Digraphs Split Vowel Digraphs Singular and plural use of under behind in front of and near Rhymes Two Little Ducks Donkey, Donkey
Maths 02/03/2024 Counting 1 to 300 backward counting 100 to 0, Number Name 1 to 100 Tabbles 0 to 3 Ordinals Addition subtraction, multiplication, days of the week, maths of the yearCounting 1 to 300 backward counting 100 to 0, Number Name 1 to 100 Tabbles 0 to 3 Ordinals Addition subtraction, multiplication, days of the week, maths of the year
G.K. 04/03/2024 Our Natural Friends What’s The Time safety Reminders, indoor and outdoor, games parts of computer national symbols
EVS 05/03/2024 Transportation and safety Air, Water, Direction High in the sky weather season and clothes

Test Syllabus and Schedule Grade- I

Test I
Subject Date Syllabus
English 19th May 2023 Cordova Term Book 1 Ch 1- Let us revise, Ch 2- How Many, Ch 3- A happy Child (Poem)Grammar
EVS 20th May 2023 Ch -1 Our Body, Ch -2 My Family
Maths 21st May 2023 Ch.1 Comparison ,Ch.2 Number from 0 to 10
Hindi 22nd May 2023 मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक)- पाठ -1 पढने की तैयारी संजीवनी (व्याकरण) -पाठ -1 भाषा , पाठ -2 वर्ण
Test II
Subject Date Syllabus
English 21st August 2023 Cordova Term Book 1 Ch 4- Hello, Ch 5- What’s This, Ch 6- Just me (Poem)Grammar
EVS 23rd August 2023 Ch -3 Food and Water ,Ch -4 We need a house, Ch -5 Our Clothes
Maths 24th August 2023 Ch.3 Addition up to 10, Ch.4 Subtraction up to 10
Hindi 25th August 2023 मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक)- पाठ -2 पढ़ने लिखने की तैयारी संजीवनी (व्याकरण) -पाठ -3 मात्राए

4th October to 20th October – Half Yearly Examination

Test III
Subject Date Syllabus
English 21st December 2023 Cordova Term Book 1
EVS 22nd December 2023 Ch -1 Our Festivals, Ch -2 Safety Rules
Maths 23rd December 2023 Ch.1 Cardinal and Ordinal Number ,Ch.2 Skip Counting Ch. 3 Multiplication
Hindi 24th December 2023 मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक)- पाठ -5 सच का इनाम संजीवनी (व्याकरण)- हिंदी की गिनती , सप्ताह के दिन

25th February to 12th March – Annual Examination

Half Yearly Examination Syllabus
Subject Syllabus
English Cordova Term Book 1 Ch 7- At the Zoo, Ch 8- A helping Hand, Ch9- The Kitty ran up the Tree (Poem)
E. V. S. Ch -6 Good habits, Ch -7 Plant World, Ch -8 Animal World , Ch -9 Our School Ch-10 People who help us
Mathematics Ch.2 Number From 0 to 10 , Ch.-3 Addition up to 10, Ch.4 Subtraction up to 10 Ch.5 Number From 11 to 20, Ch.6 Number From 21 to 50, Ch.7 Number From 51 to 100 Ch.8 Addition Up to 99 , Ch.9 Subtraction up to 99
Hindi मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक)- पाठ -3 बया से ,पाठ -4 बढ़िया दावत संजीवनी (व्याकरण) -पाठ -4 शब्द और वाक्य, पाठ -5 नाम बताने वाले शब्द ,पाठ -6 लड़का-लड़की पाठ -7 एक और अनेक ,पाठ -8 सर्वनाम ,पाठ -9 गुण बताने वाले शब्द, पाठ-10 काम बताने वाले शब्द ,पाठ-11 सामान अर्थ वाले शब्द, पाठ-12 उलटे अर्थ वाले शब्द
Annual Examination Syllabus
Subject Syllabus
E. V. S. Ch -1 Our Festivals, Ch -2 Safety Rules, Ch -3 Physical Fitness ,Ch -4 We need water Ch -5 Air around us, Ch -6 Our Earth, CH -7 The Sky alone us, Ch -8 Means of transport Ch -9 Means of Communication, Ch-10 Diractions and Locations
Mathematics Ch-1 Cardinal and Ordinal Number , Ch-2 Skip Counting , Ch.3 Multiplication Ch.4 Number from 101 to 500 , Ch.5 Measurement , Ch.6 time , Ch. 7 Money Ch.8 Shapes and Pattern , Ch.9 Fraction , Ch.10 Data Handling
Hindi मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक)- पाठ -6 चाट खाई बार-बार, हमने बनाई एक बार (चुनमुन के साथी) पाठ -7 घर प्यारा , पाठ -8 दादा जी की बगिया , पाठ -9 इंडिया गे संजीवनी (व्याकरण) -पाठ -4 शब्द और वाक्य , पाठ -6 लड़का-लड़की , पाठ -7 एक और अनेक पाठ -8 सर्वनाम , पाठ -9 गुण बताने वाले शब्द , पाठ-10 काम बताने वाले शब्द पाठ-11 सामान अर्थ वाले शब्द , पाठ-12 उलटे अर्थ वाले शब्द , पाठ-14 सप्ताह के सात दिन

Test Syllabus and Schedule Grade- II

Test I
Subject Date Syllabus
Mathematics 19th May 2023 Ch -1 Numbers upto 100 Ch -2 Addition Ch -3 Subtraction
Hindi 20th May 2023 मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ -1 1 सुन्दर जग पाठ -2 कछुआ और उसके दोस् संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -1 भाषा पाठ -2 वर्ण और वर्णमाला
English 21st May 2023 Ch-1 Shalu and the Environment Ch.2 Little Elephant Clever Trick Ch-3 The Bug (poem) Grammar
EVS 22nd May 2023 Ch -1 My Family Ch -2 Food
Test II
Subject Date Syllabus
Mathematics 21st August 2023 Ch -4 Geometry Ch -5 Patterns Ch -6 Money
Hindi 23rd August 2023 मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ -3 लो यह मधु पाठ -4 वासु और नन्ही चिड़िया संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -3 मात्राए पाठ -4 शब्द और वाक्य
English 24th August 2023 Ch-4 the wind and the seen Ch-5 the Happy tree Ch-6 With a Friend (poem) Grammar
EVS 25th August 2023 Ch -3 Good foods habits Ch -4 Water Ch -5 Exercise & Racreation

4th October to 20th October – Half Yearly Examination

Test III
Subject Date Syllabus
Mathematics 21st December 2023 Ch -1 Multiplication Ch -2 Division Ch -3 Fraction
Hindi 22nd December 2023 मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ -9 आए मेघ पाठ-10 मदर टेरेसा संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ-13 वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द पाठ-14 हिंदी की गिनती
English 23rd December 2023 Ch.1 MAN’S Scarf Ch.2 the Rainbow fairies (poem) Ch.3 We can’t Find Our Feat
EVS 24th December 2023 Ch-10 Useful animals Ch -1 Our Neighbourhood

25th February to 12th March – Annual Examination

Half Yearly Examination Syllabus
Subject Syllabus
English Ch. 6 With a Friend (Poem) Ch.7 The Grass Happy another Ant Ch.8 I wish (Poem) Grammar
E. V. S. Ch -6 House are live in h -7 Kinds of plants h -8 Uses of plants h -9 Food and homes of wild animals
Mathematics Ch -1 Numbers upto 100 Ch -2 Addition Ch -3 Suletraction Ch -4 geometry Ch -5 Patterns Ch -6 Money
Hindi मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ -5 वीर तुम बढे चलो पाठ -6 अपना काम स्वयं करो पाठ -7 दाल का दाना पाठ -8 मेरी पहली हवाई यात्रा संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -5 नाम बताने वाले शब्द पाठ -6 लिंग पाठ 7 एक और एनेक पाठ -8 नाम की जगह पाठ -9 विशेषण पाठ-10 क्रिया पाठ-11 सामान अर्थ वाले शब्द पाठ-12 उलटे अर्थ वाले शब्द
Annual Examination Syllabus
Subject Syllabus
English Ch.4 The Plum Stone Ch-5 Mr. Lion and The Special Soup Ch. 6 A Trip to the zoo(poem) Ch.7 One Sunday Ch.8 Oats and Beans and Barley Grow (Poem)Grammar
E. V. S. Ch -2 Festivals h -3 Locating & Place h -4 Means of transport h -5 Season and Clothing h -6 How our Trody Wouls h -7 Natural and human made thing h -8 Changes around us h -9 Our Earth h-10 A Clean World h-11 Our nation
Mathematics Ch -1 Multiplication Ch -2 Division Ch -3 Fraction Ch -4 Measurement Ch -5 Geometry Ch -6 Time Ch -7 Data Handling
Hindi ममंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ-11 सौ चूहे मार के पाठ-12 रक्षा बंधन पाठ-13 बकरी की भूख पाठ-14 पक्षियों का संसार पाठ-15 कोयल पाठ-16 परी और नन्हे बच्चे संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -5 नाम बताने वाले शब्द पाठ -6 लिंग पाठ -7 एक और एनेक पाठ -8 नाम की जगह पाठ -9 विशेषण पाठ-10 क्रिया पाठ-11 सामान अर्थ वाले शब्द पाठ-12 उलटे अर्थ वाले शब्द पाठ-15 महीनो के नाम पाठ-16 कहानी लेखन

Test Syllabus and Schedule grade- III

Test I
Subject Date Syllabus
English 18th May 2023 Ch.1 The Golden Foueetion Ch.2 A Journey Ch.3 trains (Poem) Grammar
Mathematics 19th May 2023 Ch -1 Numbers upto 9999 Ch -2 Romon Numerals
SST 20th May 2023 Ch -1 History of early Humans Ch -2 Our Earth
Science 21st May 2023 Ch -1 Living and Non –Living things Ch -2 Plant World
Hindi 22nd May 2023 ममंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ -1 प्रकृति की घटा संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -1 भाषा
Test II
Subject Date Syllabus
English 20th August 2023 Ch.4 the King’s Condition Ch.5 the Magic Gift Ch.6 Exercises (poem) Grammar
Mathematics 21st August 2023 Ch -3 Addition Ch -4 Subtraction Ch -5 Multiplication
SST 23rd August 2023 Ch -3 States of india Ch -4 Major handforms Ch -5 India – Our Beautiful Country
Science 24th August 2023 Ch -3 Food and feeding habits of animals Ch -4 Birds Ch 5- Insects
Hindi 25th August 2023 मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ -2 परोपकारी चीटिंया पाठ -3 पेंसिल की चतुराई संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -3 मात्राए, शब्द व वाक्य पाठ -4 नाम सूचक शब्द – संज्ञा

4th October to 20th October – Half Yearly Examination

Test III
Subject Date Syllabus
English 20th December 2023 Ch-1 the Amercing Zoo Ch-2 Joy in the Jingl Ch-3 Mother are For (Poem) Grammar
Mathematics 21st December 2023 Ch -1 Division Ch -2 Fraction Ch -3 Measurement of Length
SST 22nd December 2023 Ch -4 Mumbai Ch -5 Chennai
Science 23rd December 2023 Ch 4- Weather and Seasons Ch 5- Measuring Things Ch 6- Sounds and Noises
Hindi 24th December 2023 मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ -8 सहयोग से व्यक्ति पाठ -9 सच्ची मित्रता संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -8 गुण दोष बताने वाले शब्द – विशेषण पाठ -9 क्रिया

25th February to 12th March – Annual Examination

Half Yearly Examination Syllabus
Subject Syllabus
English Ch.6 Exercises (poem) Ch-7 Rip Van Winkle Ch-8 IF I could be an Astronaut. Grammar
Mathematics Ch -1 Numbers upto 9999 Ch -2 Romon Numerals Ch -3 Addition Ch -4 Suletraction Ch -5 Multiplication Ch -6 Money Ch -7 Time
SST Ch -6 Rivers of India Ch -1 More important rules Ch -2 Modern means of transport Ch -3 Delhi
Science Ch -6 Animals: Movement and shelter Ch -1 Keeping safe Ch -2 Matter and its properties Ch -3 Water
Hindi मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ -4 प्यासा मुसाफिर पाठ -5 कावरी – शैल पाठ -6 चाँद का कुरता पाठ -7 कागज ने दिया सबक संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -2 वर्ण पाठ -3 मात्राए, शब्द व वाक्य पाठ -4 नाम सूचक शब्द संज्ञा पाठ -5 लिंग पाठ -6 एक अनेक शब्द पाठ -7 नाम की जगह सर्वनाम
Annual Examination Syllabus
Subject Syllabus
English Ch-4 Once in a village Ch-5 Pinocchio become a real boy Ch-6 A Faring went a marketing (poem) Ch-7 Value OF Time Ch-8 Wings (poem) .Grammar
Mathematics Ch -1 Division Ch -2 Fraction Ch -3 Measurement of Length Ch -4 Measurement of Weight Ch -5 Measurement of Capacity Ch -6 Geometry Ch -7 Symmetry
SST Cordova Term I Book.Ch -4 Major handforms Ch -5 India – our beautiful Country Ch -6 Rivers of India Cordova Term II Book Ch -1 More important rules Ch -2 Modern means of transport Ch -3 Delhi Ch -4 Mumbai Ch -5 ChennaiCh-6 Kolkata
Science Cordova Term I Book. Ch -5 Insects Ch -6 Animals: Movement and shelter Cordova Term II Book.Ch -1 Keep safeCh-2 Matter and its properties Ch -3 Water Ch -4 Weather and seasons Ch -5 Measuring things Ch -6 Sounds and Noises Ch -7 The EarthCh -8 Our Environment
Hindi मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ-10 आओ देश संवारे हम पाठ-11 जगमग दीपावली पाठ-12 योगासन पाठ-13 भारत की वीरांगना – अलकारी पाठ-14 मेरा जन्म दिन पाठ-15 मै हवा हू पाठ-16 जिसका खेत उसकी उपज संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -3 मात्राये, शब्द व वाक्य पाठ -4 संज्ञा पाठ -5 लिंग पाठ -7 सर्वनाम पाठ -8 विशेषण पाठ -9 क्रिया पाठ-10 विराम चिहण पाठ-13 वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द पाठ-14 मुहावरे पाठ-15 अशुद्धी शोधन

Test Syllabus and Schedule grade- IV

Test I
Subject Date Syllabus
Mathematics 18th May 2023 Ch -1 Numbers Ch -2 Romon Numerals
English 19th May 2023 Cordova Term Book I Ch.1 Who is Happy. Ch.2 Skipping Shoes Ch.3 Zoo Manners (poem) .Grammar
Science 20th May 2023 Ch -1 Plants make food Ch -2 Adaptations – How Plants Survive
SST 21st May 2023 Ch. 1 Celestial Bodies Ch.2 Our Earth
Hindi 22nd May 2023 मंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ -1 सुबह पाठ -2 सर्वाधिक मुर्ख संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -1 भाषा लिपि व व्याकरण
Test II
Subject Date Syllabus
Mathematics 20th August 2023 Ch -3 Addition & Subtraction Ch -4 Multiplication
English 21st August 2023 Cordova Term Book I Ch.4 Health is Wealth Ch.5 Little Ch.6 From a railway carriage (poem).Grammar
Science 23rd August 2023 Ch -3 Useful plants Ch -4 Animals and their young ones Ch -5 Adaptations: How animals Survive
SST 24th August 2023 Ch.3 Continent and Ocean Ch.4 Our Constitution Ch.5 Our Government
Hindi 25th August 2023 ममंथन (पाठ्य पुस्तक) पाठ -3 दादी माँ की सीख पाठ -4 हमारे परिवार में उल्लू संजीवनी (व्याकरण) पाठ -2 वर्ण विचार पाठ -3 शब्द और वाक्य

4th October to 20th October – Half Yearly Examination

Test III
Subject Date Syllabus
Mathematics 20th December 2023 Ch -1 Geometry Ch -2 Fraction Ch -3 Decimals
English 21st December 2023 Cordova Term II Book Ch.1 Honesty Ch.2 Clever Betty Ch-3 Grandma’s Hugs are made of Love Ch-4 Silver Anklets
Science 22nd December 2023 Ch 5- Rock and Soil Ch 6- Force, Work and Energy Ch 7- The Solar System

Test Syllabus and Schedule grade- X (CBSE)

Test I
Subject Date Syllabus
SST 17th May 2023 Ch1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Ch1- Resource and Development Ch1- Power Sharing [Pol. Sc.] Ch1- Development [economics]
Hindi 18th May 2023 पाठ 1 माता का अंचल (कृतिका) पाठ 1 सूरदास (क्षितिज) पाठ 8 नेताजी का चश्मा (क्षितिज) व्याकरण – वाक्य भेद, वाच्य परिवर्तन।
English 19th May 2023 First Flight – (Ch-1) A letter to God. Footprints Without Feet – A Triumph of Story. Grammar – Modals, Determiners, Prepositions, Tense, Subject-Verb (Agreement) Concord. Poetry – Dust of snow, Fire & Ice
Science 20th May 2023 Chapter 1- Chemical Reactions and Equations Chapter 2- Acids, Bases and Salts Chapter 6- Life Processes Chapter 12- Electricity
Mathematics 21st May 2023 Chapter 1- Real Numbers Chapter 8- Introduction to Trigonometry Chapter 9- Some Applications of Trigonometry Chapter 15- Probability
Test II
Subject Date Syllabus
Mathematics 2nd August 2023 Chapter 2- Polynomials Chapter 3- Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variaables
Hindi 2nd August 2023 पाठ 2 राम लक्ष्मण परशुराम संवाद पाठ 3 सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘ निराला' पाठ 9 बालगोबिन भगत व्याकरण -- पद परिचय, रस व उनके भेद।
English 2nd August 2023 First Flight – Nelson Mandela: Long walk to freedom, Two Stories About Flying (Part I & II) Footprints Without Feet – (Chapter 2) The Thief’s Story. Grammar – Reported Speech
Science 2nd August 2023 Chapter 3- Metals and Non-Metals Chapter 8- How do Organisms Reproduce? Chapter 9- Heredity and Evolution Chapter 13- Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
SST 2nd August 2023 Ch2- Nationalism in India (His) Ch2- Water Resources (Geo) Ch2- Federalism (Pol. Sc.) Ch3-Money and Credit (Eco)
Test III
Subject Date Syllabus
English 2nd August 2023
Hindi 2nd August 2023 पाठ 3 उत्साह पाठ 4 यह दंतुरित मुसकान पाठ 11 मानवीय करुणा की दिव्य चमक व्याकरण - पद परिचय, रस,
Science 2nd August 2023 Chapter 5- Periodic Classification of Elements Chapter 14- Sources of energy Chapter 15- Our EnvironmentChapter 16- Management of Natural Resources
Mathematics 2nd August 2023 Chapter 4- Quadratic Equations Chapter 7- Coordinate Geometry
SST 2nd August 2023 Ch4- Outcomes of Democracy (Pol. Sc.) Ch5- Manufacturing Industries (Geo) Ch5- Life line of National Economy (Geo)
Pre- Board I
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 17th December 2023 Full Course
English 19th December 2023 Full Course
Mathematics 20th December 2023 Full Course
Science 22nd December 2023 Full Course
SST 24th December 2023 Full Course
Pre- Board II
Subject Date Syllabus
Hindi 22nd January 2024 Full Course
English 23rd January 2024 Full Course
Mathematics 24th January 2024 Full Course
Science 25th January 2024 Full Course
SST 27th January 2024 Full Course